Stradbroke Primary Academy Welcomes New Head of School
At the end of the Autumn term, Stradbroke Primary Academy in Gorleston said a heartfelt goodbye to Mrs Blake, who has been with the school since 2014. Mrs Blake’s passion for achieving excellence and positive leadership ensured that pupils have achieved the best that they can, and cultivated a happy, healthy and supportive environment. We wish her the best in her new role as Principal at Norwich Primary Academy. Mrs Blake said:
“I have thoroughly enjoyed my time at Stradbroke Primary Academy, and the past 9 years have been nothing short of rewarding. It has been an honour working with such a committed and passionate team and being able to support pupils throughout their school careers and seeing them grow and thrive.”
We are pleased to welcome Mr Bell, previously vice-principal at Stradbroke Primary Academy, to move into the role of Head of School from the start of the Spring term. A familiar and popular face at the school, Mr Bell is passionate about giving every single child the best possible education and access to inspirational and enriching experiences.
He is a highly experienced mentor for trainees and Newly Qualified Teachers (NQTs) and has spent his career of over 15 years working in primary education across two coastal schools. During this time he has held various leadership roles and is excited to start his new role. Mr Bell said:
“Having been at Stradbroke for a number of years, it has been exciting to see the progress and improvements, we as a team, have made in terms of both academic success and providing enriching experiences for all of our children. I look forward to continuing my journey further with staff and pupils into Stradbroke’s next chapter.”